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An Overlooked Plan for Bush, Kerry, Democrats, Republicans,

By: Joseph & Victoria Quinn - uss4getmenot Person

In an effort to assist our political leadership it would be wise to have a simple solution to a life threatening problem. The much talked about Medicare Medication benefits are going to waste if the medications are not taken properly. Since this month of October is “Talk About Prescriptions” we should recognize some basic facts. There are multiple steps available that will benefit all consumers of care. (Aside from obvious unmet steps for physical activity such as of walking).

After doing some research the industry acknowledges,(in the Merck manual) that a significant percentage of admissions to care facilities (Hospital and Nursing Homes) are due to the fact that seniors are not taking their medications properly. Perhaps there is easy solution for long distance family members. If one has the time to give a friendly reminder call and await their completion of their medications, checking of blood sugar, blood pressure, or other regimen would be extremely helpful. The industry estimates from the heart disease management alone ‘medication compliance’ could save an estimated $100 billion each year if the medications were taken properly.

More info about this month is at . A sponsor behind this site National Council on Patient Information and Education (NCPIE), is one of the original patient safety coalitions.

There are numerous types of systems that utilize various compliance techniques with elders. The range involves passive systems and active systems or combination of the two types. The price ranges depending on how extensive or intrusive of a system one desires. There are medication charts, pill boxes, timers, alarm watches, pagers, telephone calls, personal visits, 24 hour surveillance systems that you can use to keep a constant eye on your loved one.

There also needs to be a complimentary understanding of alternative medicine and mainstream medicine. For this to be accomplished a dialogue must include all supplementation to normal food ingestion including herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other supplements suggested by anyone including prescription drugs. There is a chart available at

For those who are too busy to meet the demands of such a personal long distance care there is a ‘Personal Voice’ that can help you. You can call 1-USS-4-GET-ME-NOT=1-877-443-8636 or visit the web for more caregiver help at Personal Voice .
Joseph & Victoria Quinn
Personal Voice Inc.
email us
see this on the web

Co-founders of Personal Voice to help prevent or prolong intensive caregiving.


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